Lease Residual Option Exercise Accounting Entries
Summary: Lease Residual Option Exercise Accounting Entries.
We are using a lease residual option with a negative amount for the proceeds of sale of assets, but when we exercise it. It increases the cost & accumulated amortization. Can you explain option exercise accounting entries as part of IFRS 16 ?
Please refer to the below example.
Lease Term = 1-Jan 23 to 30-Sep-23
Asset Term = 1-Jan 23 to 30-Sep-23
Amortization Date - 1-Jan-23
Proration Method = Days/Month
Discount Rate = 2.6
Payment Amount = 1000 USD per month
Option Amount = - 3000 USD (On Last Day of Lease)
Before Exercise Option
ROU = 5980.85
Accumulated Amortisation = -5980.85
After Exercising Option On 30th Sep 23