Extract text data from "SuccessCriteriaText" in "XML_DATA_CACHE" column "HRC_TXN_HEADER" table
Does anyone know how to extract text data from "SuccessCriteriaText" column in "HRC_TXN_HEADER" table?
Although I could extract some text data such as GoalName, Description with the query below, still can't extract text data related to SuccessCriteriaText.
Actually, the query ends up with an error by selecting SuccessCriteriaText or LongDescription.
This reason could be that those text data are surrounded by "<![CDATA[]]" and some kind of methods might be needed when extracting those text data.
SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(itemrow),'*/GoalEORow/GoalName/DATA') AS GoalName
,EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(itemrow),'*/GoalEORow/Description/DATA') AS Description
--,EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(itemrow),'*/GoalEORow/SuccessCriteriaText/DATA') AS SuccessCriteriaText