DFF's are not visible in Next Genration Supplier Registation Page
We are using DFF's in the current version of Supplier Registation Page.
I have followed the standard documentation "https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/procurement/24a/oapro/how-to-enable-descriptive-flexfields-in-the-next-generation-supplier-self-service-registration.html#u30242335" to enable the DFF at next generation supplier registration page.
After enabling the DFF's, we need to follow 'Doc ID 2617267.1' to make the DFF visible.
But in next generation supplier registration page, even though we are in SANDBOX, not able to navigate to the below as there are no options available
6.Go to Structure
7.Scroll down Additional Information header tag > right click and select edit
8.Enable Show Component > Apply and Ok