What role grants me access to view data for real-time analysis of Quality Inspection Results
Summary: We created a custom infolet for users to view failed Preventive Maintenance work orders. However, only the admin can currently access and read this data, while other users encounter an error when attempting to view the analysis data. We are uncertain about the reason for this issue. Please see the first screenshot for what the admin can currently see, while the second screenshot depicts what other users see after being given the role to view the infolet
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):We created a custom infolet for users to view failed Preventive Maintenance work orders. However, only the admin can currently access and read this data, while other users encounter an error when attempting to view the analysis data. We are uncertain about the reason for this issue. Please see the first screenshot for what the admin can currently see, while the second screenshot depicts what other users see after being given the role to view the infolet