Demand Plan Failing to generate Forecast
Start Demand Planning Engine Manager ESS Job ending with warning. Below is the log.
Collected forecast for external source through FBDI (atleast 2 years of booking history) and able to view data in the msc_measures tables.
Can someone help on this.
01/24/2024 1:37:06.765 - Arguments - planId: 300000278330722,execution ID: 300000278330726, profiles: 4731, filters: 0, Snapsht refresh option: Full (1), refreshOptionList: 0#WDC=0#WDM=0, request ID: 7307432, Priority Base: 1, Version: 5.4
01/24/2024 1:37:06.766 - VO PARAMETERS ARE: null - null - null - null
01/24/2024 1:37:06.788 - getConnection() - Engine Manager App module was created: oracle.apps.scm.advancedPlanning.planningAnalytics.dmEngineManagerPublicModel.publicModel.applicationModule.DmEngineManagerAMImpl@62173728
01/24/2024 1:37:06.788 - getConnection() - Got connection from AM: weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PoolConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_T4CConnection@137cf432