Does Oracle Cash Management support ISO 20022 semt.006 and semt.002 for Money Market accounts?
Client has money market accounts at a bank. They are wishing to import their bank account activity into Cash Management for reconciliation. The bank has stated they offer ISO 20022 semt.006 and semt.002 formats, for "activity" and "positions" respectively. Basically, treating the Money Market accounts as investments accounts.
I know Oracle can handle these versions:
CAMT.053.01.01 : Prior Day
CAMT.053.01.02 : Intra- Day
CAMT.053.01.03 --> highest format can handle at this point
Does Oracle Cash Management support these "semt" formats?
Does anyone else have experience with similar situations? Any ideas?
Attaching the ISO 20022 documentation the bank has provided.