For more information, please refer to this announcement explaining best practices for getting answers to questions.
First Quarter 2024 ADP Interface Specification Release
ADP has communicated with its vendors about the Interface updates for First Quarter 2024.
Review 1Q24 ADP Interface Detail Document.
Depending on whether you use an interface developer or a third-party vendor, take one of the following two actions:
1. In-house developer or selected vendor, e.g., custom-built for you: Please forward the 1Q24 ADP Interface Detail Document to your developer for required integration updates.
2. ADP preferred third-party vendor, e.g., standard integration used by all clients on a payroll system: ADP has provided interface specification updates to its preferred vendors. ADP Preferred vendors publish their dates for Integration updates to you. If you have not received an update from your vendor by Friday, March 1, 2024, obtain the published release date online or, contact your vendor.