BINDISONLINENOTIF='true' is not working as expected for Completed transactions
we followed the below doc id to hide sensitive information
Conditional 'BINDISONLINENOTIF' Region Hides Workflow Notification Content Both In-App And In Email (Doc ID 2531226.1)
Below are the Steps followed
1)Initiated Promotion Process from Manager login for an employee(My teams>>My teams>>Promotion)
2)Received Email notification for Approver
3)Received HCM notification for Approver
BINDISONLINENOTIF='true' is working as expected for only In progress transactions ( Approval in Progress)
BINDISONLINENOTIF='true' is not working as expected for Completed transactions (All Approvals are completed)
BINDISONLINENOTIF='true' is working as expected for only In progress transactions
BINDISONLINENOTIF='true' should work as expected for In progress transactions as well as Completed transactions