Inventory OTBI Report is working for some users and giving error for other
I have created OTBI report under the following subject areas (Receiving – Receipts Real Time) and (Receiving – Transactions Real Time). Using Sandbox page integration, we have assigned this report to any user has the role (Warehouse Manager)
When I run the report from my user (User1), it works but when I run it from another user (User2) who has the (Warehouse Manager) It gives error.
I could notice that there is a column called (Created By Code) under the subject are (Receiving – Transactions Real Time), if I remove this column, report doesn't give error to (User2)
Note that (User1) can run the report if the column (Created By Code) is there. (User1) doesn't face any issue. The issue is only happening with the other users, one of these users is (User2).