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Delete value in a Value Set (DFF)
We are wanting to delete an end dated value in a value set for one of our descriptive flexfields/DFFs that sits at the employee assignment level (PER_ASG_DF).
The reason we want to do this is we are wanting to limit the number of characters that can be entered into the value set as the data is passed to a downstream system that can only accept 70 characters. Unfortunately, we have an existing end dated value that is 75 characters long.
So far I have checked business objects in the HDL part of the system to see if I could find a dat file template I could leverage but couldn't find anything that seemed right to use. When we do a mass upload of new values in one of our DFF value sets, we use the File Import and Export tool and then navigate to the VS and under actions import. I thought I would try and add METADATA with the delete function instead of starting the file header with ValueSetCode but that did not work either.