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Dashboard access and roles

edited Apr 15, 2024 8:07AM in Reporting and Analytics for SCM 1 comment

Summary: To start with, big thanks to all who reply.

So went live with Fusion on January 2024. I have put together a dashboard using "Receiving - Purchase Receipts Real Time" area and the "Procurement - Purchasing Real Time" area. Few analyses and prompts. One analysis has a join of the two areas. All the reports are BU agnostic, I don't filter out the BU. Why? Because we are a construction company and for us the site (organization name) is more important for site reporting than the BU.

I want this dashboard to be accessed by site admins at different sites, but they should only be able to see information around their respective organization name only. Given that by default they have been assigned other roles based on the BU, any ideas on how I can make this happen?


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