I am using always free service, but VM instance gets stopped
My always free VM instances were disabled, and I was told to contact customer support to reenable.
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I have 2 always free VM instances setup: They are ocid1.instance.oc1.us-chicago-1.anxxeljtv54ercycmssb5rk7dmeh4vsity3om63m52xgxqe2sc6t3c6espbq and ocid1.instance.oc1.us-chicago-1.anxxeljtv54ercycbtakzzcma6h6rwhg7bc5tos3cw3r5s4s3a2pdzqoiknq. I use them every day, and make sure that CPU utilization for the 95th percentile is more than 20% and Memory utilization is more than 20%. However, I am not able to start them any more. I was told that they were disabled and will not accept any action requests. It asks me to contact customer support to reenable.