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Cover position with HC = 0


We have a position whose budget details are the following:

  • HC = 1
  • FTE = 1
  • Type: single incumbent.

The single incumbent holds the position for 0,8 FTE on his/her assignment, then position details' are:

  • HC = 0
  • FTE = 0,8
  • Type: single incumbent.

We're trying to cover the remaining 0,2 FTE on the same position with another employee, hence on her assignment level we've defined HC = 0 and FTE =0,2; however, we still get an error when hiring saying there is not remaining HC to cover that position. On the other hand, we don't have the error for FTE, as HCM recognizes that the sum of 0,8 + 0,2 FTE equals position's FTE.

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