Category 52
Discussion List
Hide 'Known As' name componentSummary: I need to make Known As visible to certain roles. But I cannot find where to edit this attribute in HCM Design Studio. When I try apply a Page Composer edit the…
Redwood: Disability Info DFFSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I was trying to enable some additional fields for the Disability Info in Germany. After re…
SUMMARY OF CHANGES SECTION ON REDWOOD WORKFORCE STRUCTURES PAGES.Summary: SUMMARY OF CHANGES SECTION ON REDWOOD WORKFORCE STRUCTURES PAGES Redwood Feature Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Redwood Feature …SS552 34 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is there a possibility that HR has the ability to search/add successors outside of their AOR?Summary: Grant HR the ability to search and add associates outside of their AOR, to their succession plans. TA currently has this capability when going into the Hiring M…Lea Jarilla 62 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Human Capital Management
Issue with People Group in RedwoodSummary: Hi team, As we have payroll setup in our design, it is mandatory for us to use People Group Setup for many design objects. As per the 24C release notes, it says…Priyanka_Kumari 164 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Conditional Label changeSummary: Hi, We want to change the "Legal employer" label change on employment Info page when checking the contingent employee data. Content (please ensure you mask any …
Redwood: Create Work Relationship page refresh multiple times after a field update/entry?Summary: Redwood: Create Work Relationship page refresh multiple times after a field update/entry, is this expected behavior? Content (please ensure you mask any confide…Bambi McClelland 2 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bambi McClelland Human Capital Management
Hide descriptive flexfields on Redwood employment info pageSummary: Hide descriptive flexfields on Redwood employment info page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently it doesn't seem possible to…
Defined User Person Types for Nonworker is not showing in LOV while adding a Nonworker in the systemSummary: We have added a couple of User Person Types for Nonworker (System Person Type). But when we try to add a nonworker in the system, the newly added User Person Ty…Anshuman Chatterjee 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Anshuman Chatterjee Human Capital Management
How to view the attachments in the email approval notificationSummary: How to view the attachments in the email approval notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We configured an approval rule…
Redwood Team Compensation page security rolesThe what's new link does not have any security roles showing for the Team Compensation page. What are the security roles for this? Link below:
elements in HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_FHello, we have worked with HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F to extract the elements in the Oracle organization structure. After implementing the parent and child relations SQ…
@Oracle - When will the position Redwood screen bugs be fixed?Summary: The add position Redwood screen is full of bugs. When will they get resolved? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Issue #1: Position …
Redwood-FamilyandEmergency Contacts(Edit Contact)-Unable to hide certain fields in Demographic InfoSummary: Under VBS, we have marked Ethnicity, Religion, and Highest Education Level fields to be hidden, however they continue to appear on the edit contact redwood page…
How to control access to 'Delete' and 'correct' button from employment infoNavigation: My client group→ Redwood Employment info→ Historical Changes→ Correct/Delete option on Redwood employment info page we get option to correct and delete histo…
Which roles or privileges give access to the "Configuration" tab?Summary: We have notice that a lot of our local HR have access to the Configuration tab and can then create Sandboxes… We would like to remove this privileges to keep it…
Location "Main address" not displaying in the redwood pageSummary: In the current Responsive UI , the main address in the location is displayed by default based on the settings in the 'Manage Address Format' , but it is not dis…
System allows Absence Type Entry without existing PlanSummary: We have two absence types behaving differently with respect to absence recoding error messages even though the configurations look the same Content (please ensu…
Query/SQL for datamodel in BI Publisher of Other Addresses in Location PageSummary: Hi, Do you know via datamodel/BI Publisher in what table other addresses for locations are stored? We do not find them either in: HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_F_VL or per_l…
How to remove any transactions which has been initiated after an employe is terminatedWe have Initiated an Assignment change for an Associate who has been terminated now how to remove it from the History
How to include terminated work relationships in redwoodSummary: How to include terminated work relationship Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info rmation): Version (include the version you are using, if appli…
Transaction Console blank for all users after 25ASummary: Transaction Console blank for all users after 25A Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi - a customer I support has an issue where Tr…
How to manage Organization Tree effectively in view of re-orgs/restructures?Summary: Hello Experts When a department name is updated Fx. HR to People effective 1st March 2025, new department will show if a report is run effective 1st March and p…
Lookup type for Other addresses Location Address TypeSummary: What is the lookup type value for the below emphasized field? Curious if we can edit the lookup values and I am struggling locating the lookup to determine if t…
E-mail notification is not getting triggered for the Nudge ConfigurationSummary: Email notification does not get triggered to the Line Manager. Content (required): I have created a Employee's birthday in the Nudge and mapped the channel to e…
Preferred Name format in Publicly accessible Redwood pages (i.e. My Activity Centre, Connections)Summary: Currently we have a Preferred Name format setup, to display the name specified by an employee they want to be called (typically this is not their legal name). T…
Giving access to view worker journeysSummary: We want to enable HRBPs to be able to view completed worker journeys for their business area. What privilege/role do we need to assign to make this happen? Cont…
Is there available fields for Japan Social Insurance and Tax Information in Oracle HCM?We are planning the manage some Tax, Social Insurance and Dependents Information for our Japan employees in HCM. Below are sample fields that we need, but just want to k…Raffy Silverio 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Human Capital Management
Updated list of Redwood Pages with Profile Options for 25AIs there an updated list of Redwood Pages with Profile Options for 25A please. I have the previous document up to 24D.
"A record with the value PersonDEO already exists. Enter a unique value."Summary: On Hire an Employee page, when click on Submit button. getting an attached error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): ErrorCloseError…Vijay Solanki 497 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Melinda Germann-Oracle Human Capital Management