Need to restrict item search on purchase order line by Requisition BU / Organization
With the current scenario, all items (defined in master) is visible when we search an item and add it on PO line. Though this can be controlled by the validation org in the Procurement business function. Business wants to have only those item to show that are based on the Requisition BU / Org for which the PO is being raised/created.
We are implementing centralized procurement for our client and hence even if we setup the validation org in the Procurement business function, we can only set one of the BU. Considering 5 Req BUs , if we set one BU as one of the validation org in the Procurement business function the items from that Req BU/Org will be visible on the PO line, but items from other BUs/Org will not be visible preventing users to create PO for other items.