404 NotAuthorizedOrNotFound in Oracle API Gateway for OIC3 Factory APIs
I have created API Gateway deployment which has OIC3 REST APIs (
) i.e. Factory APIs as backend URL. API Gateway deployment endpoints are working fine and returning success response which has 'Tasks→Integrations→Integrations' endpoints. But rest all other endpoints are failing with "404 NotAuthorizedOrNotFound" error.
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Below are the example of some endpoints and their responses I am getting -
/ic/api/integration/v1/integrations - 200 OK
/ic/api/integration/v1/usage - 404
{ "code": "NotAuthorizedOrNotFound", "message": "Authorization failed or requested resource not found."}
/ic/api/integration/v1/connections - 404
I am able to invoke all OIC3 REST APIs directly from postman (when not using API Gateway) but when I am using the OIC3 REST APIs via the API GW then only 'integration' API endpoint calls are successful and rest all other are failing with 404. I have tried 'Resource owner password credentials' & 'Authorization code' grant types to invoke APIs (for both when invoking directly and when invoking via API GW).