Unable to upload currency rates using Daily Rates ADFDI Spreadsheet
Unable to upload currency rates using Daily Rates ADFDI Spreadsheet
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
I navigate to General Accounting > Period Close >Task - Manage Currency Rates > Click on the button 'Create in Spreadsheet'.
Create Daily Rates ADFDI spreadsheet file opens with 10 lines. We complete the 10 lines with 10 different currency rates information and when click Submit, the currency rate information is successfully imported/transferred to the application.
But when we insert additional lines into the initially opened 10 line ADFDI file to create rates for more than 10 currencies, and when we click on the Submit, the Record Status column of the spreadsheet is displayed with the error 'Insert Failed'. There is no helpful error message to understand the issue. And no currency information is transferred to the application. But the schedule process 'Import and Calculate Daily Rates' includes the status 'Succeeded'.