Issue with SOAP Service processFulfillmentResponse
I'm using processFulfillmentResponse in OrderFulfillmentResponseService from SOAP UI to Update the Orchestration to move to next step
Payload has mandatory fields : IntegrationContextCode,FulfillmentSystem, FulfillLineIdentifier, TaskInstanceStatusCode
Received below error
OverallStatusCode: ERROR
ErrorMessageText: An error occurred: null-null. Contact your help desk. (DOO-2685513) An application error has occurred. Your help desk can use the
following information to obtain a more detailed description of
this incident: Incident ID: 68, Server Domain: FADomain,
Server Instance: ServiceServer_1, Application Name: ORA_FSCM_SERVICESAPP
Attached Request and Response payloads for reference
Any advice / help on this is greatly appreciated - or any suggested external resources / blogs that might help on how to update the orchestration using this service.