Cumulative Price Break - Based on Quantity
Hi All,
we have enabled cumulative price break in BPA. But it is not working as expected. please consider the case below.
Price Break Defined as below
Qty | Price Break Price |
0 | 40 |
200 | 30 |
500 | 20 |
When there is requisition like below
Req1 - QTY 100
Req2 - QTY 150
System fetches the price of 30 directly for the Req2. But the requirement here is for the 100 Qty price should be 40 and the 50 qty should be priced as 30.
Like upto 200 the quantity should be 40; from 201 the price should be 30. Any work around to achieve this? we suggested buyer to disable the automatic order creation for these cumulative cases but it is not acceptable.