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groovy to export data slices

edited May 7, 2024 7:56AM in Planning 2 comments


Hi Experts,

Im trying to execute a groovy script which exports the data out of reporting cube in POD1 and then import the same data into BSO Cube in pod2 which has the same dimensions. Groovy is been called from POD2

def uri = '/rest/v3/applications/xxxx/plantypes/xxxx/exportdataslice'

println ("Request URL - " + operation.application.getConnection("xxxxx").getUrl() + uri + "\n")

It prints the POD1 server details and plus the application, cube details- getting the response. not initiating the process at POD1, pls let me know where i'm missing to invoke the process


HttpResponse<String> jsonResponseExport = operation.application.getConnection("xxxx").post(uri)

Howdy, Stranger!

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