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OIC REST API missing body


I am new in OIC and hope someone can help me for a a problem of missing Body in POST method when OIC calling an External REST API.

I have configured a REST Connection. In my Integration, I selected "Configure a request payload for this endpoint" and then I drop a XML sample for the request payload format as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><root> <IntegrationData> <Integration>ABC</Integration> <Environment>DEV</Environment> <DebugLevel>1</DebugLevel> <HomeDirectory>ABC/ABC</HomeDirectory> <DataFileName>hjashjfds.encrypt</DataFileName> <Data>hgdsajkfjkds</Data> </IntegrationData> </root>

In the mapping, I map only "Integration" element with a text "Test" for testing.

Howdy, Stranger!

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