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Exchange rate direct integration fusion to FCCS not working


while Loading Oracle ERP Cloud Exchange (FX) Rates to the FCCS application thrwing the following error?

Please let me know if anyone has tried - I have followed the the document for configuation.

Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):

End Outbound Process
2024-05-14 09:17:43,723 INFO [AIF]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-05-14 09:17:43,726 ERROR [AIF]: java.lang.RuntimeException: The CSV output file was not found on UCM.
2024-05-14 09:17:43,726 ERROR [AIF]: The script has failed to execute:
2024-05-14 09:17:43,727 FATAL [AIF]: Error in Comm.executeJythonScript
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 488, in executeJythonScript
File "/u01/test/PBCS_24.05.63/EPMSystem11R1/products/FinancialDataQuality/bin/plugin/", line 28, in <module>

Howdy, Stranger!

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