Sourcing Rule assignment at Item and Organization level is not working for Dropship orders.
We have the below requirement in our project to source single item from 2 different suppliers for 2 different Inv.orgs
Item : 1234
Org : INV1 (BU1) and INV2 (BU2)
Supplier : Supplier A and Supplier B
Sourcing Rules Definition: Created at Local Level
SR_A (Local : INV1) : Buy from Supplier A
SR_B (Local : INV2) : Buy from Supplier B
Sourcing Rule Assignment:
Item and Organization : 1234 - INV1 - SR_A
Item and Organization : 1234 - INV2 - SR_B
Sales Order created on BU1 should source from the Supplier A.
Sales Order created on BU2 should source from the Supplier B.
When sales order are created with above setup getting below error on progressing the order.