Descriptive Flexfield - Can't Use Global Flexfield in Expression Builder of another Global Flexfield
On Purchase Requsitions Page, we have 3 flexfields. "Captial Purchase" (Yes or No) along with 2 Date fields (Start & End Date used for Mulit-Period Accounting).
I would like to create a Read-Only Condition so that when the Capital Purchase DFF is set to "Yes", then Start/End Dates become Non-Editable, or Read-Only.
I am in the Sandbox editing "Componenent Properties: descriptiveFlexfield" then using Expression Builder for the Read-Only box. However, when selecting a Binding Parameter on the Start Date's Read-Only expression, I am not given the option of our Capital Purchase DFF. Capital Purchase is Attribute1 in our Flexfields setups.
I am seeing Attribute2, Attribute3, etc. and plenty of other options. The only one I do not see is Attribute1, which is the option I need to use. I suspect this could be because it is it is a Custom Global Flexfield we have created, and not a standard field, but am not sure.