Can we generate Planned Order in Supply Plan based on forecast upload excluding the SO quantity
1. Business has two Inventory Orgs/MFG Plant in the same business unit. Same FG manufacturing are happening in both locations.
2.Business is booking a sales order with respect to a project contract when it receives Orders from Customer. At the beginning they are booking SO with full quantity in 1st Inventory Org/MFG Plant. Later the production and planning team decides how many FG will be manufactured in 1st & 2nd Inventory Org/MFG Plant and based on that they do their Production.
3. Business Sales & Marketing team does not agree to break the Sales Order in different lines/schedules (with respect to Inventory Org/MFG Location) based on planning because planning changes very frequently and they do not want the planning to be based on SO schedule ship date. Marketing team will break the sales order once the production is done and they knows how many FG will be shipped from each location.