Execution of the specified job type Merge Data Slices is not supported by this method.
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to call merge data slices through groovy and it throws error "Execution of the specified job type Merge Data Slices is not supported by this method."
Long back I have written something to call it using REST API from groovy which used to work. Please help me understand why this restriction when calling directly form groovy.
JobFactory jf = operation.application.jobFactory
JobDefinition jobDef = jf.job("MergeDataSlice","Merge Data Slices",["cubeName":"XYZRep","mergeSliceType":"allIncrementalSliceInMain","keepZeroCells":false])
Job job = operation.application.executeJob(jobDef)
println("Merge Data Slice Status:"+job.status)