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Are deep links to candidate profiles in non-Prod pods available?
Finally found how to deep link to candidate profiles in ORC:
YOUR ENVIRONMENT//fndSetup/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&action=@{2}&objKey=pSubmissionId=@{3};pHideNavigation=true;pCloseMainTaskOnDone=Y
objKey=pSubmissionId= // Job Application ID
Details are in the following post:
(Use case is that a Recruiter would like to let a Hiring Manager know about some qualified candidates: Candidate 1, Candidate 17 and Candidate 22. The Recruiter would like to link to each of those candidate's profiles so the Hiring Manager can easily click through and review the resumes and any other pertinent details of the said candidates.)
I created a report to pull Job Application IDs and was able to get a working link in Production. However, we are trying to test something in a