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data copy from one scenario , year to other scenario year not working due to Valid intersections


Currently we have an application and we do not have Valid Intersections enabled, we have some groovy rules to copy data from one scenario(Forecast→FY24) to other scenario (Budget→FY25) which are working fine, we are building new application and we enabled valid intersections for scenario and Year, the same groovy rule is not allowing us to select different Scenario (Forecast), Year(FY24) at source RTP's and Target RTP's ( Scenario = Budget, Year = FY25) . its allowing to select only FY24 with Forecast. FY25 is not showing in year selection.

I am assuming all its due to Valid Intersections, can you please guide me if there is any fix/alternative to accomplish this. If I disable Valid Intersections at this phase, we need to update many forms to populate right years in the columns which is major task.

Howdy, Stranger!

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