Lot Expiry Date calculation based on the user preference timezone
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
Our Lot Expiry Data calculation is based on the Shelf Life Days and the system uses the UTC timezone. However, we have found that this leads to incorrect calculation of the Expiry Date when the Manufacturing Time falls on the previous day in UTC. I am seeking information on how it is handled in other accounts.
Eg. Shelf Life Days: 30
Manufacturing Date: 30-Jun-24 3:00 am IST
Calculated Expiry Date: 29-Jul-24
Manufacturing Date: 30-Jun-24 9:00 am IST
Calculated Expiry Date: 30-Jul-24
Expectation is both the scenario should have the expiry date as 30-Jul-24.
Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):