How to pass POV as parameters in URL from EPM as drill through to FDI
We want to drill through to FDI using direct drill option from EPBCS and pass the FORM POV selection as parameters in the URL used in direct Drill. Users request is that when we click on drill through source then it should follow the POV we selected in form as opening page parameters in the URL. But when we pass the parameter like "&val2=%22$ACCOUNT$%22" it's not working and taking $ACCOUNT$ as value of POV Account. Is there any specific syntax where we need to pass the POV members
Also we need to create a drill through from FDI to EPM form or dashboard where POV selection should be the page members selections for opening the form. So if users is looking at report in FDI and have CC1 and ENT2 as cost center and entity member selected, then when drill through is performed it should take CC1 and ENT2 as Page members to open the FORM/ Dashboard on EPBCS side