Category 161-2
Discussion List
Is there a rest api equivalent for the exportaccesscontrol command in epm automate?We are trying to leverage, where possible, REST APIs to automate certain tasks like the exporting of reports from FCCS, Planning, and ARCS. Exporting User Group Reports …
How to customize the email subject for notifications from EPM Account ReconciliationSummary: Need to customize the email subject for notifications from EPM Account Reconciliation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently f…
Unable to launch business rule from RulesSummary: Hi all, I created a rule to copy data from one year to another year, the rule is successfully validated, saved and deployed. I can also launch it from the Calcu…
Decimal places in calculationSummary: Rounding and scaling issue in calculation. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a question on scaled value used in IF condition…
Scaling in Conditional expressionSummary: Not able to use scaled value in Conditional expression Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a question on scaled value used in …
SSO Timeout AssistanceOur users are experiencing issues when leveraging our EPM products with session timeouts. There will be instances where they are working actively in a web page, only to …Patrick Northcraft 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Patrick Northcraft EPM Platform and Freeform
Data Form 2.0 not responsive after save in Edge Browser: Icons keep moving to the right for minutesSummary: Action and Save icons on Dataforms 2.0 in Planning Cloud slowly move to the right over several minutes - no data input/ normal work possible anymore due to the …
Issue with formatting that is cleared out in SmartViewSummary: Hi We have some users for which the formatting gets cleared out in SmartView. They need to apply the cell styles again every time (and they also save it as defa…
Script doesnt work as expectedHi we want the aggregation of a different dimension eg row 6 and 7 needed to be summed up in row 11 ie where ever the functionl area = Room Sales_FA it need to summed to…Althaf Abdullah 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshani Hettiarachchi EPM Platform and Freeform
New Smartview log in issue: Excel and Outlook become unresponsiveOver the last week I have been experiencing a new, intermittent problem when logging in to EPM Planning, Freeform & Narrative applications through SmartView in Excel. Af…
Default Ancestor AccessSummary: Default Ancestor Access of "Display" Not Translating Correctly to Reports Member Selector Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Default…
When is the Feb-25 SmartView Update going to be available?Hi, In the Feb-25 EPM updates it mentions a SmartView update. However the download page still has 24.200. Wouldn't a 25.**** show up at some point? There is a feature we…Hyperion_Junkie 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hyperion_Junkie EPM Platform and Freeform
Unable to Unlock Ownership Management Form despite Approvals Being UnlockedIn our system, we have enabled organization by period. To lock the approvals, we must also lock the ownership management form. The issue is that we are now unable to unl…
PBCS:How can i assign a group of user and not a single user a task in Task Manager view/assigneeSummary: i have a task that a group a user can be assigned to and not a single user and a group of user can approve this same task How can i assign groups to a task in t…Sararajha 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Is there a way to dismiss Oracle Authenticator, on a single traditional account user in PBCS?Summary: We want to automate processes, and after creating a user with admin rights , each time we log in the environment we need to approve the login via Oracle Authent…
Users don't receive Password Reset email and Admins don't see Password reset option after SCIMSummary: We recently enabled SCIM Provisioning (with Microsoft Entra) for our EPM OCI Gen2 to automate User/Role Lifecycle. We however noticed a very odd behavior where …
Migrating EPM POD from one tenancy to otherHi There, We are planning to unify all our EPM under one tenant, currently our ARCS pods are under A123456 and PBCS pods under B123456 tenant. we want to move ARCS pods …
SmartView - error occurred while attempting to load itemsSummary: When attempting to run the installer it gives "Error occurred while attempting to load items" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…Noe.RRMF 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Viorel "Van" Andritoiu-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
IFThen condition in Freeform ReportsSummary: Need to replicate Excel IFS function in Freeform. IFThen does not seems to be working as TrueParameter or Falseparameter does not seems to accepting formula. Co…
The difference between tasklists of EPBCS and PBCSHello everyone, I have one question between EPBCS and PBCS's EPM task manager. When I am using EPBCS, I can see the pre-integrated task lists, and it has a tab called "I…
Financial Reporting (FR) and its transition to Reports starting from the June 2025 update (25.06)Summary: Could you please help us answering the following questions regarding the upcoming changes in Oracle's support for Financial Reporting (FR) and its transition to…
Audit Options changes not reflecting in Audit report of EPM appsSummary: I have a question about the audit report within the EPM application. Specifically, I'm curious about tracking changes to audit options and the enabling or disab…
HsGetValue data does not display for some excel users who do not have an EPM Cloud licenseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all We have some users who are not able to see data in Excel with HSgetValue if they are not c…
Upgrading from Oracle EPM Standard to EPM Enterprise Cloud Service for modules InstructionsBelow is the document available for the migration which doesn't provide any steps as such except for FCCS. Please confirm on the steps if it is only exporting and import…
SOC 1 Assistance - Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Cloud Application on Generation 2Summary: I tried to find the specific SOC 1 we need, but I didn’t see it listed at all in Oracle Cloud Services. For our audit, we need the SOC 1 Type 2 report for “Orac…
Where can I find author and creation date for Oracle Reports (not FR reports)Summary: In the past, we would download xml file for each FR report from the snapshot (DOCREP-Document Repository\resource\Repository Objects), and these file would have…Mi Ryang Moon 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
How can we change the setting of opening EPM Web Form with Smartview in a new excel workbook?We have a concern with opening smartview from the web application, as it opens the smartview tab in the last excel file the user was working in. This could be a security…hakangiyici 49 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Oscar Martinez Olivan EPM Platform and Freeform
contribuition journal impact groupsSummary: contribuition journal impact groups Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): if i do a contribuition journals on one entity that is shared…samuel valecchi 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shailesh Kumar -Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Audit and User Reports in Oracle Cloud Console (IAM) contentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all Every year we have external Auditors asking for this kind of information for EPM clouds ap…
Did the port for Connections Rest API change with the 25.02 monthly update?Summary: When performing regression testing of the 25.02 (Feb) monthly update, our groovy/rest api calls fail with error "Invalid port specified in the URL. The only all…CCel 122 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform