24B Order Release Early Pickup Date/Time Not Being Honored
Has anyone else seen this issue just recently in 24B where a shipment is being built essentially at the latest pickup time per the order release EPD?
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
E.g. Order release has an EPD of 08/07/2024 02:01:00, EDD 08/09/2024 06:00:00, and LDD 08/09/2024 23:59:00. Pickup location and Delivery location have a default shipfrom/to calendar of load 0600-1800 and unload 0600-1800. Shipment being created has a Start Date of 08/07/2024 18:00 and an End Date 08/10/2024 00:00:00. Prior to the 24B 20240628 patch release we just received, the shipment would have been created as follows: Start Date of 08/07/2024 06:00 and an End Date of 08/09/2024 09:45:00 (transit time of 2D-3H-45M). We are seeing this only on LTL transport mode