Stop GOP from Splitting Order Line Based on Capacity
Hi All,
We are observing that GOP is splitting the order line based on capacity. E.g. If an order line for 1000 quantity is having a requested date of 30 days in future and if there is no quantity available on-hand, GOP is trying to find out how many quantities can be made available (manufactured) by the requested date considering the availability of components and resources.If GOP finds X quantity can be made available, it is splitting the order line with X quantity having SSD same as RSD and (1000-X) quantity having SSD later than RSD.
We don't want GOP to split order line based on capacity, rather than we want it to split the line only based on available on-hand quantity or other supply as selected in Supply Chain Availability Search Attributes.Having said that we don't want to stop GOP from promising based on CTP, means we don't want to uncheck the yellow marked checkbox.