Receive 429 Too Many Request trying to access Container Registry
Summary: Receive 429 Too Many Request trying to access Container Registry
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No matter how I try it, oci commands, docker commands, but probably the most clear example that something is wrong, is the console. When I login in to the console and navigate to Container Registry all the widgets end up timing out, and a red message appear under the "Images" combo saying "Tenant rate limit exceeded. reqRatePerScond: 50"
I can access without any problem to the rest of the services. I have an always free account, and the regsitry contains only 13 images (of around 240MB - 300MB each). I try to delete some without any luck, whether I try it through oci commands, docker commands or the web console, the result is always 429 TooManyRequest. Even after stopping for half an hour.