cycle count active location with zero quantity
Trying to do CC for an active location,
Current system config - CC Screen Parameter - update-locn-invn-mode - set to - "Counted items only"
ItemX -
System on hand - 10
Physical on hand - 0
Steps -
- Generate CC task
- Enter task number
- Proceed to scan "ItemX"
- Enter 0 qty
- System throws error.
System provides an error message "Non-Zero Qty required"
any missing configuration that we can update so that we can CC 0 quantity with the current setup?
Any work around available to get this accomplished?
Is this a system limitation?
PSA - We have already tried to set the "update-locn-invn-mode" to BLANK and tried to CC, the system allows to complete the CC without scanning the SKU, which will inturn make the ItemX qty 0 in the system, But the business requirement needs the parameter to be set to "Counted items only" .