Enabling Redwood UI for Learners errors in Scheduled Process
Summary: I am trying to enable Redwood UI for Learners and got error while trying to run the ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS using the input parameter of fa-hcm-learningitem.
Below is the Error message from the log:
####[2024-08-07T22:08:44.225+00:00] [INFO] FndOSCSIndexIngestESS execution log
Entering execute of FndOSCSAvailabilityESS job
Fetching parameters: isP2TJob
Fetching parameters: Index Name for recreate
indexName :::: fa-hcm-learningitem
Only performing recreate for index - fa-hcm-learningitem
ESS job FndOSCSIndexIngestESS failed with error{"message":"Index not enabled - fa-hcm-learningitem","status":400}
I tried to continue with other steps and enabled the VBCS page from structure but the Explore Tab is missing