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Is there any way to make visualizations for following kind of scenarios in OTM Data Visualization?


I want to create some data visualizations in Oracle Analytics for:

  • Shipments delivered but not invoiced
  • Shipments invoiced but have not received final stop status update
  • Shipments with multiple invoices
  • Invoices with only one line item
  • Invoices with no matched shipment
  • Vouchers approved but not sent to External System

    When I tried to make such kind of DVs, it's showing no data. Is there any some kind of workaround where we can write the SQL query and run it on the to create the Visualization?


Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):

For example, in the above ss, I want to join the Shipment and Invoice Analysis together. I want to get the shipments for a particular invoice status.

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