Why Fusion File Transfer, Ess Job Loader does not end Error?
Fusion File Transfer, Ess Job Loader does not end Error even an error is reported on the log
ARVRMFES: Fusion File Transfer, Ess Job Loader does not end Error even that in the log an exception is reported:
2024.08.16 24:07:50:-- oracle.apps.ar.vrm.coexist.util.ArVrmEssUtil.raiseEvent()Payload Set, Raising Event Exception:
2024.08.16 24:07:50:-- oracle.apps.ar.vrm.coexist.util.ArVrmEssUtil.raiseEvent()oracle.apps.fnd.wf.bes.BusinessEventException: Exception when Invoking Web Service -> oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.JRFSOAPFaultException: Client received SOAP Fault from server : InvalidSecurity : error in processing the WS-Security security header
null: null
2024.08.16 24:07:50:-- oracle.apps.ar.vrm.coexist.util.ArVrmEssUtil.raiseEvent():END