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Create tables(DDL) from PVO metadata provided by REST API

edited Sep 9, 2024 2:11AM in Reporting and Analytics for SCM 1 comment

We are retrieving the columns details such as datatype, precision and scale using the following endpoint(REST API metadata)

Url: https://{server_name}/biacm/rest/meta/datastores/{data_store}

We intend to use this information to create tables in Snowflake. However, we are encountering an issue where some numeric columns have a precision 0 and a scale -127. Based on this information: . It seems that these values would be rounded to 10^-127, resulting in a value of 0.

Could someone assist us in understanding the appropriate precision and scale that should be applied in this case?


DataStore: FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.PurchasingDocumentLineExtractPVO

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