Can you create 1 to Many rule with tolerance on non balancing attribute?
We are trying to create a 1 to Many match rule with a tolerance on the balancing attribute, and another attribute, but the tolerance on the non-balancing attribute does not seem to match correctly.
Source System Data Record
Contract Number = 145XP
Document Number = FNAO5458976X2
Contract Amount = 500,000.00 » Balancing Attribute
Draft Invoice Amount = 2,000.00
Subsystem Data Record 1
Payee Account = 145XP
Subaccount = FNAO5458976X2
Authorized Amount = 250,000.00 » Balancing Attribute
Funds Available = 30,000.00
Subsystem Data Record 2
Payee Account = 145XP
Subaccount = FNAO5458976X2
Authorized Amount = 250,000.00 » Balancing Attribute
Funds Available = 0.00
The 1 to Many match rule is comparing the following:
Contract Number = Payee Account
Document Number = Subaccount
Contract Amount = Authorized Amount