Business Rule Use Members on the Form
Business Rule Use Members on the Form.
We have a form with POV for Entity and Department. It has a rule attached that is calculating percentages for all departments. The rule is using "Use Members on the Form". The log shows when we submit data for a single department, it still is calculating data for all departments. That means that it is not reading POV for department but simply running business rule. This presents some issues.
If I change the original:
FIX("OEP_Working", "OFS_Direct Input", "OEP_Plan", @RELATIVE("YearTotal",0), &OEP_PlanStartYr, {Entity}, @RELATIVE("Total Department",0))
FIX("OEP_Working", "OFS_Direct Input", "OEP_Plan", @RELATIVE("YearTotal",0), &OEP_PlanStartYr, {Entity},{Department})