ISIR Batch Correction Update
On an Electronic Announcement posted 11/8/2024, the Department of Education reversed its previous decision from July of not supporting Batch ISIR Corrections for the 24/25 ISIR Award Year. Furthermore, we've also been informed that any award year 24/25 batch ISIR corrections that are sent from an institution will overwrite any corrections previously made by a student or institution via the FAFSA Partner Portal. Naturally, this creates a potential synchronicity and data integrity risk if batch ISIR corrections for the 24/25 ISIR Award Year are transmitted.
Therefore, please keep the 24/25 ISIR award year correction batch files (CORR25IN and CORE25OP) as 'disabled' on the DOE File Management screen of Oracle Student Financial Aid. We believe enabling either file carries the risk of corrupting student records beyond the ability to resolve within the software. Further 24/25 ISIR award year corrections should continue to be made using FAFSA on the web and/or FAFSA Partner Portal.