Impacts of the replacement from the classic SSP to the new Redwood RSSP
We have already implemented the classic SSP for a long time, but the new Redwood RSSP will replace it in 25C.
Therefore, we would like to list all impacts if the replacement happens.
Could you please kindly give some suggestions regarding the replacement experience?
What we use currently:
- API interfaces to mass upload PRs and mass cancel PRs on the 'Enter Requisition Line' page
- Sandbox for 'Negotiated' box on the 'Enter Requisition Line' page
- Sandbox for setting 'Supplier and supplier site' as mandatory when the 'Source' is 'Supplier' on the 'Enter Requisition Line' page
- Edit PR, budget control (fund status), add attachments to the related approvers, add notes to suppliers, default buyers by some task settings, check 'Manage requisitions', customized reports and so on.