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Getting warning message across all orders after using the Item Category PVO's in OM Extension

Getting the below warning message after we started using the below mentioned PVO's and corresponding filter criteria in Order Management Extensions for populating Item Category values.
vcrow.setAttribute("CatalogCode", CatalogCode);

vcrow.setAttribute("CategorySetId", CategorySetId);
vcrow.setAttribute("CategoryCode", CategoryCode);
vcrow.setAttribute("InventoryItemId", itemId);
vcrow.setAttribute("OrganizationId", inventoryOrganizationId);
vcrow.setAttribute("CategoryBasePEOCategoryCode", CategoryCode);

Warning Message: Too many matching records found. Specify additional criteria to limit the number of records.

Please let me know if there a way out to restrict this error from popping up by adding any additional criteria to the above PVO's.

Howdy, Stranger!

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