Removing filter from PVO - FscmTopModelAM.FinArTopPublicModelAM.SalesInvoiceCustomerTrxLinesPVO
I have enabled Supply Chain and Order Management in OBIA. As part of this setup, I need to retrieve all invoices. However, I noticed that the W_SALES_INVOICE_LINE_F table is not capturing all invoices.
Upon investigation, I identified a filter condition in the logic that's restricting invoices with a non-DOO interface_line_context from being included in the W_SALES_INVOICE_LINE_F table. The current filter condition is:
(transactionline.interface_line_context = 'DOO')OR(transactionlinelink.interface_line_context = 'DOO')
This filter excludes invoices where interface_line_context has values other than 'DOO'. Below are the other possible interface_line_context values that are being excluded: