Category 473
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Navigation Path for Managing and Creating Context Values in Oracle Fusion CloudHello, I am looking for the correct navigation path to create and manage a Context Value in Oracle Fusion Cloud. Currently, I am following this navigation path: Setup an…
Where to configure MSC_REST_CALL_UPDATE_MATRIX?Hi team, (Please help to migrate this post to a more suitable module's forum, thank you.) May I ask where to configure MSC_REST_CALL_UPDATE_MATRIX? I've tried with "Setu…
Using Algorithm in SCO Service Mapping to fetch item transaction defaultsWe are trying to use SCO service Mapping and derive the item transaction defaults o be used to pass it as a attribute in the planned PR i.e. created. is there any way we…
Unable to customize New Supply Request pageHi Team We are trying to customize/edit New Supply Request page through VBS.(like adding a new button similar to submit). However we are not able to find the edit option…
Receiving an error message while performing personalization using page composerHi Team, We are trying to perform personalization to hide the task - "Manage Supply Request Exceptions" in "Supply Orchestration" work area using page composer. But we a…
API for Transfer Order Header attribute DESCRIPTION UpdateHi We are using API /fscmRestApi/resources/{HeaderId} — Patch method to update DESCRIPTION attribute in Transfer Order Header but we are getti…Raghu Sodanapally 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Raghu Sodanapally Supply Chain Orchestration
Service Mapping SCO to Procurement and Manufacturing whitepaperDoes anyone have a whitepaper for the newly released features on Extend Supply Chain Orchestration's Integration With Procurement Extend Supply Chain Orchestration's Int…
What is missing in the Min-Max Supplier setup, and why is a Purchase Requisition not being created?In Product Management Information > Manage Items > Planning, the following settings have been configured: Inventory Planning Method: Min-Max Planning Replenishment Type:…Rita Mesquita Gabriel 24 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Orchestration
Default a Deliver to location on a PR Released from Planning, that is not the Inv Org LocationRequirement: We are currently merging a 3PL (which is a separate inv org) into the production org as requested by the client. However we noticed that on any PRs released…Pramod_Vadali 41 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Satwik Kumar Patel-Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration
How to default destination Subinventory on the transfer order using enrichment rule?We are using Supply Order Enrichment rule to default the Destination Subinventory on the Transfer order which is created after releasing the Planned order from Supply Pl…
Removing filter from PVO - FscmTopModelAM.FinArTopPublicModelAM.SalesInvoiceCustomerTrxLinesPVOI have enabled Supply Chain and Order Management in OBIA. As part of this setup, I need to retrieve all invoices. However, I noticed that the W_SALES_INVOICE_LINE_F tabl…
REST API Transfer Order creation error scenariosTeam, We are trying to create Transfer Order using the REST API. There is a delay in when the Transfer Order is created as either a Business Event is triggered or a ESS …Manodnya Gangaprasad 71 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Nikhil.d.Shah Supply Chain Orchestration
The record remaining in the INV_TRANSFER_ORDERS_INT tableThere are two transfer orders stuck in the interface. I can see them in the INV_TRANSFER_ORDERS_INT table. The INTERFACE_ERR_MSG_CODE column is empty. I don't know why I…Melisa 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration
Can we send Work order DFF attribute value to Purchase Requisition using Service Mapping & AlgorithmBusiness need is to send Work order header DFF attribute value to Purchase Requisition line level standard field. Can we achieve this using Cloud Service mapping and alg…Punam32-Oracle 35 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration
Database Table or Query of Supply Line ErrorWe would like to build a report to show the error messages of the supply lines in Supply Chain Orchestration. Can I know which database table store the error message of …
From which table I can get cost of material transactions with "Outgoing" or "Issue" transaction typeHello, I developed an SQL report to show cost per material txns. For relationship between txn and cost, I used CST_ITEM_COST_HISTORY_V view, but with this way, I could b…Rojhat Sinan Balka 42 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Rojhat Sinan Balka Supply Chain Orchestration
Ability to pause transfer order creation from Supply orderSummary: We are looking at ability to pause transfer order creation from Supply order Content: We are creating supply order manually with supply type as transfer. Once s…SreehariK 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration
How to enforce, in the back to back flow, a supply type "Buy" even if there is available on hand?Hi All, we have the requirement to create always a back to back flow with supply type BUY, even if the on hand is available in the warehouse. How can we reach this requi…
Delayed response not updating the status of fulfillment line from OICHi Team,We have created 2 steps in custom orchestration process. One is acknowledgement step and second is wait step.We have created an OIC integration to complete the p…
How to create FBDI for Transfer Order to avoid partial importI create transfer order using FBDI template. There're 3 lines with the same transfer order (Same TRANSFER_ORDER_HEADER_NUMBER AND INTERFACE_BATCH_NUMBER). After Upload c…Pornnicha Kuptawintu 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex D-Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration
SCO Service Mapper to default transfer order line source subinventory based on inventory OrgRequirement is to default transfer order source sub inventory for specific inventory organization. Please review attached document and suggest how to write conditional g…
How to get Min-Max Supply Quantity?Is there any way to fetch the supply quantity directly on the min-max planning Report screen?
Is it possible to pick items individually as part of pick wave/picking processHi Guys, Wondering if it is possible to pick items based on individual item for a partial pick? For example, a customer may order 15 of the same item, but they don't wan…
Assign destination subinventory to orders released by Supply PlanningHello, we are trying to use a rule (using the task: Manage Supply Order Enrichment Rules ) to assign a destination subinventory to transfer and purchase orders released …
How to Map Suggested Ship Date from Supply Order to Purchase Requisition DFFGoal is to understand how we can implement service mapping /algorithm change in order for the Suggested Ship Date from Planned Order to map to a Header level Requisition…
Supply Chain Orchestration Line Item Stuck in "Not Started" Without Error MessageWe tried releasing couple of planned orders from Supply Plan but supply line got stuck in "Not started" during Supply Chain Orchestration process. Can anyone help us her…
'Supply Chain Orchestration Supply Request Real time' is not showing exception message.'Supply Chain Orchestration Supply Request Real time' is not showing exception message. The field available to check it is 'Request Message Text' for the exception. is t…Viswanadham Sighakolli 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Viswanadham Sighakolli Supply Chain Orchestration
Customer Profile Creation/Update(Global Additional Information-Regional DFF's) for country FRANCEHello, i would like to know how do we create/update Global Additional Information (i.e. regional dff's) during the creation/update of customer profile(specifically for c…
How to check the invoice linked to a Landed Cost?How to check the Invoice linked to the trade operation in the landed cost details?
Procurement Contract RoadmapPlease advise with the procurement contract roadmap. I dont see any updates in 24C, Just curious to understand whether procurement contracts module has any plans to swit…