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Allow contract modification date as sysdate for termination of Future dated subscription lines


We are facing multiple issues due to system not allowing to pass contract modification date as sysdate for new line addition or terminations of future dated lines. One of the critical issue is as below:

IPE Accounting issue:

Example: Initially we created RMCS with One POB having 3 lines having following dates:

01-JAN-2024 to 31-DEC-2024 $1000

01-JAN-2025 to 31-DEC-2025 $1000

01-JAN-2026 to 31-DEC-2025 $1000

upon first billing event on 01-JAN-2024 .. system created IPE accounting for $3000 debiting CA and crediting CL

On 01-DEC-2024 .. Business decided to terminate 3rd line and initiated full termination from OSMC. System has terminated the line but all IPE accounting events resulting from it has accounting date as 01-JAN-2026 because contract modification date was 01-JAN-2026 on full termination.

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