Separate Development, Test, Acceptance and Production environments
Organization Name: Gemeente Rotterdam
Description : Following our security guidelines we need a strict separation between test and production environments. We are using Fusion SaaS and have OCI with SSO connected. We have a DTAP on both environments (dev, tst, acc, prd).
On OCI we have an ATP database and integration instance for each environment. We have whitelisting (network access) for both the Fusion SaaS domains and OIC domains. And also for the ATPs we have.
So Fusion SaaS for example allows traffic from our network, OIC, ATP.
And OIC allows traffic from OIC, an external API Gateway, etc.
But .. since both the ATP and OIC have the same IP address for any instance we spin up, the whitelisting on Fusion SaaS Production will allow traffic from the ATP and OIC development this way. Meaning it is technically possible to call a webservice from the Dev ATP to Production Fusion.