Is there any syntax for using a value with an apostrophe in an Account Rule?
In building an Account Rule for use in Purchasing TAD, we would like to enter conditions that include the Project Type. As an example, we have a rule with these conditions that work just fine:
"Project Number"(PJC,S,S) Is not null 'AND' "Project Type" = Projets capitalisables
However, one of our project types is "Projets d'achat" (with an apostrophe in the name). We tried using these conditions:
"Project Number"(PJC,S,S) Is not null 'AND' "Project Type" = Projets d'achat
However, this doesn't validate. The error is: The validation failed for one or more errors {0}. (XLA-870336)
Is there any syntax that can be used to allow the conditions to validate?