Running a SOAP Invoke for ESS JobSet with Replyto Invokes a callback Integration throwing 401 error
"errorMessage": "Error while processing authentication at Trigger. Failed due to - 401 : Unauthorized",
"errorCode": "401",
"endpointName": "xxcallback",
"errorEndpoint": "xxcallback",
"operationName": "onJobCompletion",
"errorComponentType": 2,
"errorSummary": "ASM ICS Service request handler failed while applying policy: ics/wss_saml_bearer_or_username_token_or_jwt_token_service_policy - reason: FailedAuthentication - No message with ID "io.micronaut.http.client.exceptions.HttpClientResponseException: Bad Request\n\tat io.micronaut.http.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient$FullHttpResponseHandler.makeErrorFromRequestBody
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